A great new list from Eharmony. They are on the money with many of these reasons. What would be your #16 reason to “DATE A CYCLIST?”
15 Reasons to Date a Cyclist
1. Two words: bicycle shorts.
2. It’s science: Cyclists are hot. A recent study found that cyclists who excelled in the Tour de France are perceived as more attractive than other athletes — and that the top 10 percent of cyclists “is about 25 percent more attractive than the lowest 10 percent.” Maybe fast is the new rich?
3. Cyclists are smart. According to a recent Mindlab survey, most people view cyclists as 13 percent more intelligent than the average person.
4. Cyclists are good. According to the same survey, cyclists are generally viewed as 10 percent more charitable than non-cyclists.
5. Your date will be around for a while. Pro cyclists live, on average, 6.3 more years than non-cyclists. (Um, as long as they don’t get hit by a car.)
6. Cyclists are handy. After years of honing bike-maintenance skills, your date will be up for fixing things around the house, too.
7. The great outdoors. If you’re sick of dating indoor cats, date a cyclist. You’ll get reacquainted with nature. And maybe even travel a little more.
8. Cyclists are committed — and don’t accept defeat. Hopefully this extends to their pursuit of relationship success, too.
9. No lazy bums here, just toned ones. Cyclists are disciplined, often rigorously so, and will withstand the elements to get their rides in.
10. Cyclists are constantly setting goals for themselves. If you want a forward-thinking date, look no further.
11. Cyclists have great near-death-experience stories to share, which is also why they’re also sticklers about safety.
12. You can start cycling, too! Your date will be thrilled to share his/her enthusiasm for the sport. In fact, the whole family can join in, should the two of you eventually procreate.
13. Cyclists don’t call in sick. According to a 2013 survey by the National Cycle Network, cyclists take half the number of sick days as their public transportation-riding colleagues.
14. Think your date’s obsession with the open road is a little over-the-top? He’s saner than you think. Studies have shown that vigorous exercise like cycling can boost concentration and memory while reducing stress and anxiety. The bike is good for his brain.
15. Love the planet? Cycling is as green as it gets.
PS – Women are cyclists too! Why is this written as if the cyclist would only be a man? And yes, I am very handy fixing things around the house. With power tools, even! Gasp! Stop the sexist tone in your articles, geez.
PS – Why is this article written assuming the cyclist will always be male? Women are cyclists too! We even fix things around the house…sometimes using power tools! Gasp! This is 2014, after all.
I’m a vigorous cyclist and all above applies!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 yes, agree Rosemary, we can fix things too and with power tools. Hahaha
Rosemary, I am a woman cyclist and I didn’t read it as male. I felt included in all these attributes. Date a girl cyclist!
What a great idea this is! More cyclists on the road means more aresenaws and safer streets for all. In Europe bikes are much more common, and a respectable method of transport, in North America they are seen as toys. Lots of bikes on the road can change that perception. Really excellent idea Almonte!On another note, I loved the Tour de Missippi Mills and plan to be back to do that ride again soon. Really nice restaurant options at the end of the ride.