Lasar Weapon For Cyclists?

December 6, 2013 by Stephen Auerbach - 5 Comments

I just caught this video about this new invention and it might just be a “Blaze of Glory,” for cyclists in harms’ way. “The Blaze Laserlight,” is a new product launching this January and I find it an intriguing new entry into the ‘protect us cyclists,” sweepstakes. I for one ride paranoid, if you know what I mean. Each and every car is a potential homicidal killer. That’s why bike paths are my preferred mode of cycle travel. Life and limb just too much to risk for a healthy and enjoyable spin about the town.

Emily Brooke is the inventor and she tells us what inspired her to create this new laser light. “I wanted to tackle the issue of safety of cyclists on city streets by increasing the visibility, footprint, and ultimately the awareness of the bicycle,” she said. “Eighty per cent of cycle accidents occur when bicycles travel straight ahead and a vehicle maneuvres into them. The most common contributory factor is ‘failed to look properly’ on the part of a vehicle driver. The evidence shows the bike simply is not seen on city streets.

“Even when lit up like a Christmas tree a bicycle in a bus’s blind-spot is still invisible. With BLAZE, you see the bike before the cyclist and I believe this could really make a difference in the key scenarios threatening cyclists’ lives on the roads.”

The Laserlight is, first and foremost, an excellent white LED light. The laser image is projected by a separate diode inside the light and can be switched on and off independently.

This new weapon in the war for safety comes with a hefty price tag, but if it works, and is a true innovation in this space, then it may very well be priceless. It’s about $200. Money well spent? Let me know what you think. It’s available here
